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Here’s How These Famous Tech Billionaires Are Using Their Immense Fortunes to Extend the Human Lifespan (VIDEO)

There is Only One Thing Guaranteed in Life, and That’s Death

Try as we might to stave off the inevitable; we all must go into that long goodnight. Well, maybe not all of us if certain biotech startups supported by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have their way.

Rejuvenate Bio, a biotech firm located in San Diego claims to have extended the lifespan of mice by altering their DNA. The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, reportedly resulted in the modified mice living an average of 18 weeks longer than their unaltered brethren; lab mice typically have lifespans of around 2.5 years (~130 weeks), meaning the treatment increased their lifespan by nearly 14%.

With a current global life expectancy of 73 years, a 14% increase would mean humans would live to be 83 years old on average, an entire decade longer.

Rejuvenate’s Chief Scientific Officer, Noah Davidsohn, who believes the technology has a future in aging humans, was pleased with the results, stating:

“This is a powerful technology, and here is the proof of concept (we) wanted to show that it’s actually something we can do in our elderly population.”

Rejuvenate Bio is not the only company pursuing a cure for aging. Far from it. In fact, there are numerous companies around the world seeking the holy grail. One of them is Altos Labs, which, much like Rejuvenate Bio, is working on cellular regeneration to combat aging. Altos Labs received a $3 billion investment from Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos, who, like most of us, wants to live longer.

Source: NewsNation YouTube

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Also seeking to push their expiration date as far out as possible are the cofounders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who launched Calico, an in-house biotech research firm looking for ways to combat aging-related ailments, including diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

While most experts agree that anti-aging technology will be extremely expensive, at least at first, there is some disagreement about the overall effect on society. Some experts believe that the ultra-wealthy will be able to extend their lifespan and thereby continue to increase their wealth, significantly expanding the wealth gap between themselves and the rest of the population.

Others, however, believe that, while anti-aging technologies will initially be only available to the rich, they will eventually become more widely available, driving down the price and making the technology available to more and more people.

The anti-aging industry is still in its infancy, so we likely still have more than a few years to wait to see how the technology will impact the world, assuming the technology works on humans in the first place. Those looking to invest in the space have slim options for direct investment in these companies. Still, they have the option of public companies like Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL), which have venture arms dedicated to the technology.

Shares of Amazon last traded at $96.32 per share, down -1.23% on the day. YTD, AMZN stock is up +12.23%.

Learn more about Amazon: Website | Investor Deck | AMZN Chart

Shares of Alphabet are currently trading at $97.70 per share, down -2.09% on the day. YTD, GOOGL stock is up +9.63%.

Learn more about Alphabet: Website | Investor Deck | GOOGL Chart

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Disclaimer: The Editor of Wealthy VC holds a long position in Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG).

Shawn V.

Shawn is Marine veteran, originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. Shawn has a BS in Hospitality Management and an MBA, from the University of Nevada. In addition to writing for Wealthy VC, Shawn is also a writer for the financial website Seeking Alpha. Seeking Alpha | Email

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